Thursday 8 December 2011

Shooting Schedule

Day of the Shoot: Saturday 28th January 2012, 11am - 4pm

We haven't got an exact plan, as it's difficult to predict how long each part of the day will take. but here's the order in which we're going to do things:

Briefing the Cast - Show the whole cast the draft video and explain exactly what they're going to be doing. They already have an idea of what's expected, but it will be more definite.

Costume and Make-up Checks - The cast have already been informed about their costume etc. as I've been keeping in touch via Facebook and Twitter. However, we'll still need to check on the day to make sure that they all look how we want them to!

Filming the Outdoor Scenes - There are two scenes that are outside; when the group of friends get into the car (which includes Neighbour Bob's appearance)and then out again. We've decided to shoot them first because it needs to be light and that should be the lightest  part of the day.

Filming the Crowd/Performance Scenes - This will be the longest part of the day as we have to get a lot of different shots. so this means we'll be filming the same thing again and again but from different angles. Doing this earlier on means the cast won't get so bored and once we've finished, they'll be able to leave. It's difficult to manage a large group of people on set, so the less time we have to do it, the better.

Filming the Narrative Scenes - This makes up the majority of the video and only includes six members of cast, so should be easier to manage. We don't have a particular order, but we'll film scenes that are similar together. For example; scenes that include 'The Parents', scenes that include 'The Friends' and scenes that are just the main character.

  These are three pages of our storyboard; we sat and discussed the shots we wanted and I did the sketches. We plan to use our storyboard as a sort of checklist on the day of the shoot, in order to make sure we get the shots we need.

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